How To Migrate To Australia As A Skilled Worker

Australia is a land of opportunity” is a popular saying, and it is one that is especially true when it comes to migration. The country has a strong economy and is a great place to live, work and raise a family. Today, Australia is highly sought after by immigrants. The country offers a lot to its citizens hence, why every skilled migrant is looking at how to migrate to Australia as a skilled worker. Australia has vast spaces to free child education and advanced healthcare. The country is inviting skilled immigrants to migrate to Australia for better employment opportunities.

Who is a Skilled Migrant?

A skilled migrant is an individual with the skills, qualifications and experience to fill a job in demand.

The first 2 questions every skilled immigrant asks are the best ways to migrate to Australia and how to migrate to Australia as a skilled worker.

Most skilled immigrants who migrate to Australia with their families intend to live and work in Australia until they decide to apply for permanent residency (PR). Skilled migrants are in high demand in the Australian workforce as the country wishes to fill various unemployed gaps in its sectors.

The Australian Skilled Worker Program

Due to the increased demand for skilled workers in Australia, the Australian skilled worker program was created. The skilled worker program was first used in the 1950s and 1960s to bring skilled workers to build up various Australian manufacturing industries. 

In recent times the Australian skilled worker program served the purpose of attracting skilled migrants who can contribute significantly to the Australian economy and fill vacant positions where no Australian workers are available.

Why are Skilled Workers in Demand in Australia?

Skilled workers are in high demand due to the skill shortages in Australia. Just like the rest of the world, Australia is trying to recover from the pandemic’s effects and curb the decrease of vacant jobs due to the high number of retiring workers. The surging demand for skilled workers has deepened with over 50 most in-demand jobs on the Australian skilled migration list

Skilled migrants positively affect the Australian workforce, as they tend to have high participation rates. This means skilled migrants help stimulate the country’s economic and job growth. The Australian permanent migration program has been set at 195,000 residents in recent years. Two-thirds of the total intake is from the skilled steam, which aims to improve the nation’s economic productive capacity and fill skill shortages in the Australian labor market.

Types of Australia Skilled Worker Visa

There are quite a number of skilled visas available for skilled migrating immigrants. These visas can provide skilled migrants the opportunity to live and work in Australia. These skilled visas can be found in the skilled occupation list.

These skilled worker visas include;

  1. Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visa (subclass 186)
  2. Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) visa (subclass 187)
  3. Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)
  4. Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190)
  5. Training Visa (subclass 407)
  6. Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (subclass 482)
  7. Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485)
  8. Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 489)
  9. Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 491)
  10. Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 494)
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1. Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visa (subclass 186)

This visa enables skilled workers nominated/sponsored by their employer to permanently live and work in Australia.

2. Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) visa (subclass 187)

This visa enables skilled workers whose employer nominates in regional Australia to live and work in Australia permanently. 

3. Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)

This visa enables invited skilled immigrants with skills needed in Australia to live and work permanently anywhere in Australia.

4. Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190)

This visa enables nominated skilled immigrants to live and work in Australia as permanent residents.

5. Training Visa (subclass 407)

This visa allows you to take part in workplace-based occupational training activities to improve your skills for your job, the field of expertise, area of tertiary study or in a professional development training program in Australia. 

6. Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (subclass 482)

This temporary visa enables an employer to sponsor a suitably skilled immigrant worker to fill a position that a suitably skilled Australian can’t be found to fill.

7. Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485)

This visa allows international students who recently graduated with skills and qualifications relevant to specific occupations Australia needs. It lets you live, work and study in Australia temporarily.

8. Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 489)

This visa enables skilled workers and their families (if available) to live and work in regional Australia.

9. Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 491)

This visa is for skilled people nominated by a state or territory to work and live in regional Australia.

10. Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 494)

This visa allows regional employers to address identified shortages in labor within their region by sponsoring skilled workers where employers can’t source an appropriately skilled Australian worker.

Who Can Apply as a Skilled Worker?

Applying for an Australian skilled visa isn’t just for anyone. There are specific requirements one must have to enable the person to be able to apply for a skilled visa.

Here are the basic requirements one should have to be eligible to apply as a skilled worker;


You must be under 45 years of age at the time of application

English proficiency

This is measured through the International English Language Testing System. Applicants, especially those from non-native English-speaking countries, are expected to take this test to ascertain their proficiency in the English language.

Nominated occupation

When applying for a skilled visa, be sure your nominated occupation is on the Australian skilled occupation list.

Health assessment

You must have carried out a medical health assessment to show that you are in reasonably good health.

Skill assessment

Before applying, you must have your skills assessed by the Australian assessing authority designated to assess your nominated skill/occupation.

Character assessment 

Character assessment usually means having a clear criminal record check.


You must score on or above the minimum number of points required for the visa. 


Before applying, you should not have any pending debts owed to the Australian government.

Previous visa

You must not have had any previous visa canceled or your application refused.


You must lodge an Expression of Interest(EOI)

Satisfying these requirements will enable a skilled worker to be eligible to apply for a skilled immigrant visa.

How to Migrate to Australia as a Skilled Worker

When it comes to migrating as a skilled worker to Australia, there’s no jumping the gun. There is a laid-out procedure that enables immigrants to travel legally to Australia.

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Step 1: You should ensure that your skill/occupation is listed on the Australian skilled occupation list. This will help you in your job hunt when you finally move.

Step 2: Ensure that you meet all the eligibility requirements. You must meet the basic requirements in order to apply.

(see the next header for the requirements for a skilled worker visa)

Step 3: You will complete a skills assessment and obtain an acceptable score in order to be eligible for the skilled Australian visa. If you get nominated, your score must meet that specified in your letter of invitation. More instructions on how to get a proper skills assessment can be found on the Australian Department of Home Affair’s official website.

Step 4: You will submit an Expression of Interest (EOI)

Step 5: You will obtain a government nomination form 

Step 6: Apply for an Australian skilled visa

Step 7: Wait for a response. Getting a response from the Australian department of home affairs may take several months to arrive as they will have to decide on your visa application. In 2016, the application processing time for some Australian skilled visas was 3 months.

Step 8: Receive your visa (if granted). 

Step 9: Prepare to travel and start working for the duration of your visa.

What Are the Requirements for a Skilled Worker Visa?

As stated earlier, there are basic requirements every skilled worker who intends to migrate to Australia should have. These requirements include the following;

  • You must be below 45 years of age
  • You must meet the health requirements 
  • You must meet the character requirements 
  • You must meet the minimum standards of English language proficiency
  • Do not owe any outstanding debt to the Australian government
  • You must have read or have been explained the life in Australia booklet, and sign the Australian values statement

These requirements act as a threshold for the Australian government as they use it to shortlist the number of applicants.

What is The Age Limit for Australia Skilled Worker Visa?

The Australian skilled worker visa program’s age limit is 18 to 45 years. Although particular visa like the working holiday visa has an age limit of 18 to 30 or 35 years, most of the other skilled worker visas have a limit of 18 to 45 years. 

Although the official retirement age in Australia is 66 years and 6 months, the skilled worker visa program has its system built on the emigration of skilled youths into the country. This ensures that these youths stay in touch with the labor market for quite a while before retiring. Immigrants above 45 who still wish to travel can do so; however, they can’t apply for a skilled worker visa as they have exceeded the age requirement.  

Benefits of Migrating to Australia as a Skilled Worker

Migrating to Australia has its benefits besides just getting a job. Let’s take a look at some of these benefits;

1. Improved quality of life

The general quality of life in Australia is amazing. The country has everything from its school systems to world-class hospitals, public transportation systems, and higher-standard housing. As of 2022, Australia ranked 8th out of 60 developed countries with a life expectancy of 83.79. 

2. Higher wages

Australia is ranked the 3rd highest on the list of countries with the highest average salaries, behind Singapore and Switzerland. The commonwealth nation experienced low unemployment rates and a thriving economy for a while. As of June 2022, the Guardian reported a 2.6% rise in employee wages in Australia; this only shows that things are on the right track in the great down under.

3. Better working conditions

Thanks to Australia’s low unemployment rate and excellent working conditions, skilled immigrants cannot help but want to migrate to Australia. Federal legislation, workplace agreements, awards and contracts regulate Australian working conditions. The Australian fair pay and conditions standard help improve employee working conditions by monitoring the minimum wage, maximum work hours, and minimum leave entitlement of all Australian employees. 

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4. Greater opportunities for career advancement

The great down under is filled with numerous opportunities for immigrants and residents. With the nation’s economy on the up-trend and the number of bright new rising industries, there are numerous career advancements and training opportunities for skilled individuals. 

The country provides these privileges to its residents and immigrants alike.

The Challenges of Migrating to Australia as a Skilled Worker 

1. Language barriers

Although the official language in Australia is English, most immigrants might experience slight difficulty in understanding the Australian accent and slang. It’s common knowledge that both English and non-English-speaking countries have different accents and slang that the locals use to communicate. 

2. Difficulty finding work 

Yes, Australia has a meager unemployment rate, but that doesn’t mean everyone has a job. Although most migrants move to Australia hoping to find better jobs with better pay, not all jobs are vacant. It’s no news that the Australian government is in need of skilled immigrant workers; however, this need varies from one state/region to another. For instance, there may be vacancies for some particular set of occupations in a region, but the same jobs are all occupied in the next region. So be sure to make proper inquiries about the region where your skills are needed. 

3. Homesickness

Homesickness is a normal migration challenge everyone faces. When people leave their families or nations to which they have emotional attachments, this might make them feel uneasy and reduce their productivity. However, after a while, most immigrants get over their homesickness.

4. Culture shock

Seeing as Australia welcomes migrant workers from all over the world. This shows that the country has quite a number of cultural diversities. Immigrants who move newly to Australia might experience a bit of culture shock as they will be exposed to various norms and activities they aren’t used to.   

Why Your Skilled Visa Application is Rejected?

Having your visa application rejected could be one of the worst nightmares of any applicant. Here are some reasons why your visa application can be rejected;

1. Not satisfying the set requirements of your stipulated visa

When applying for a visa, the applicant is expected to fulfill a set of requirements to be eligible to apply. For instance, although there are basic requirements for a visa, the requirements for a skilled visa and a business visa aren’t the same. However, when an applicant does not satisfy the set requirements of their stipulated visa, the applicant’s visa will be canceled.

2. Discrepancies in travel documents

Your travel documents contain all the detailed information required by the immigration office to access your application. You will be denied a visa when these documents are either falsified, expired, or damaged.

3. Delayed application

If you or your travel agency have received your IVA (Invitation to Apply), be sure to apply during the stipulated date of the application. Applying after your IVA expiry date will most likely get your visa application rejected.

4. Criminal records

No country wants to invite trouble across its borders. So, be sure to have a clean criminal record, as most countries require a clean criminal record to grant a visa to applicants.

5. Ineligible sponsor 

When applying for a sponsored visa, ensure that your sponsor is eligible to sponsor your visa through the immigration sponsor guidelines. A legitimate Australian sponsor should be a resident of Australia. However, if your visa sponsor is ineligible, your application will most likely be rejected.

When making travel plans ensure that you follow all the due processes without error. Some other reasons why your visa applications may be rejected include fake documents, poor visa interviews, and insufficient funds for your travel expenses.

Wrapping Up on Migrating to Australia as a Skilled Worker

Australia is a dream destination for immigrants, and you should ensure your travel preparations are adequately taken care of. Many immigrants need clarification about how to migrate to Australia as a skilled worker, and the only way to clear confusion is to research further on it. Go through this article, and find the answers to your question on how to get to Australia as a skilled worker.

Frequently Asked Questions On How to Migrate to Australia as a Skilled Worker

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I share a passion for travel, education, and helping others achieve their dreams of studying and living abroad. However, after realizing the lack of information about the benefits of travel, how to study abroad, work abroad, immigration and scholarships. I decided to start to help others learn about these opportunities.

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