Canada Student Visa Process Explained: Expert Tips

Thousands of students dream of coming to Canada every year to study, as it is no news that Canada offers outstanding education at a low cost. If you are an international student who plans to come to Canada to study, finding your way around the process can be daunting. However, with early preparations and the proper guidance, you’d be able to scale through.

 This article will help guide you on how to navigate the Canada student visa process easily. We will be talking about the steps you need to take and tips you should know to ensure that you are on the right track and meet the requirements for getting your Canada student visa. 

Some requirements for the Canada student visa process include an acceptance letter from a Canadian institution, proof of funds, proof of family ties with your home country, etc. 

Meeting all the requirements and ensuring your documents are complete gives you an edge while applying for your Canada student visa, as you stand a higher chance of your visa being granted.

Let’s get right into the article as we talk more about the Canada student visa process. 

Understanding The Basics Of the Canada Student Visa Process

Eligibility For A Canada Student Visa: You must meet certain requirements before being eligible to get a Canadian student visa. 

  • First, you must have received an acceptance letter from the Canadian Institute you applied to. The acceptance letter is used as proof to show that the institution has accepted you. 
  • Another eligibility requirement you must meet to quicken your Canada visa processing time is proof of funds. Proof of funds is used to show that you have the financial ability to take care of yourself during the period of study. 
  • A medical check-up to ensure you are fit.
  • You would also be required to get a police verification certificate to prove you have no criminal record. 
  • Finally, during the visa interview, you should be able to convince the visa officers that you would return home after your study period. 
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Duration Of A Canada Study Visa

A Canada student visa is valid only for the period of the program. However, you will also be allowed to stay an extra 90 days to have enough time to prepare to leave the country or apply for an extension of your student visa.  If you are unable to complete your program within your study permit validity period, you’d have to apply for an extension of the permit. 

Cost Of Obtaining A Canada Student Visa 

Applying for a Canada student visa costs CAD 150. This is the standard application fee for all student visa applicants. However, you will also have to pay for your biometrics which costs CAD 85. It is a one-time payment that covers your photo and fingerprint. 

Steps To Apply for A Canada Student Visa 

Research Universities and Programs

This is the first step in your Canada student visa process. This step involves conducting research on different Canadian institutes and the programs they offer. Ensure that after researching your preferred choice, the learning institute you chose falls under a Canadian-designated Learning Institute(DLI). A DLI is a school approved by the government to admit international students.

Apply to a Canadian Institution

After choosing the institution you’d like to enroll in and confirming if it falls under Canadian DLI, apply to the Institute.

One of the requirements you must meet in applying to a Canadian institution is language proficiency. You will be required to do an English test. Some examples of language tests you may be required to do are TOEFL iBT, IELTS, CAEL, etc.

Other documents that will be required for your student visa application process are a graduation certificate/diploma, letter of intent, proof of funds, letter of academic reference, and application form (you should have filled it), 

Kindly note that the documents and English proficiency test may vary depending on the school, so ensure to submit the documents particularly required by the school you are applying for. 

Paying the Application Fee

Canadian universities’ application fees vary for different universities. It has a range between CAD 50-200. The fee is used for the application alone and is nonrefundable, meaning you will not be refunded if the school does not select you. 

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However, some Canadian universities/Colleges do not require an application fee.

Applying to the School

After getting your required documents ready, this is where you submit your application. Before submitting, you must have passed the required language test required by the school.

After submitting your application to the school, you would have to wait for their feedback. Most Canadian schools take about one to three months to go through your application and determine if you meet all the requirements. If you are accepted, then you will be issued an acceptance letter. 

Attending A Visa Interview 

  • The interview is not mandatory. But in some cases, the visa officers can ask for one if you submit incomplete documents. However, if you are still required to do an interview after submitting all the necessary documents, don’t fret. 

Some of the questions you can be asked include: why do you want to study in Canada? Why did you choose this particular school? And other basic questions to confirm the details of the documents you provided.

Receiving The Student Visa Decision 

If your visa gets approved at the end of your Canada student visa process, then your dream to study in Canada is now a reality. However, don’t get upset if your visa gets declined; you can always try again.

Canada Student Visa Processing Times 

The acceptance letter you received from the school will be required for your Canada student visa process. The Canada student visa processing time can take three months, depending on the country you are applying from. Once you receive your acceptance letter from the DLI you applied to, you should start your Canada student visa process immediately. 

After sending the required document for your Canada student visa application, you can always follow up with the application online here so that you don’t miss out on any updates from the IRCC. Tracking your application also helps you know if the IRCC requires other documents from you.

Tips to Help you increase your chances of getting your Visa Approved  

  • Start the application process early: The need to start your Canada student visa process early cannot be over-emphasized. Once you receive your acceptance letter from the school (it must be a DLI), go about your student visa process. 
  • Ensure the applications/documents you submit are accurate so the process will not be delayed. 
  • Make sure to have credible proof of funds: This is the evidence you will have to show the officers that you could support yourself financially while schooling in Canada. 
  • Demonstrate strong ties to your home country: You have to let them know that you will return to your home country at the end of your program. Some of the home ties you can use include a statement of your bank account, employment letter, investment certificate, marriage certificate, and detailed cover letter. 
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Final Thoughts on Canada Student Visa Process

Navigating the Canada student visa process can be very overwhelming. But it can be a successful process with the right information and adequate planning. 

First, you have to know and meet the requirements. You also need to know how long the process would take. You can seek advice or guidelines from immigration consultants or the government’s official website to be well informed. It is important to have all the necessary documents and information available and complete your application within the given time. 

The visa application process may take some time, so you need to exercise patience. You can follow up on the application process here

Getting through the Canada student visa process requires planning, preparation, and proactiveness. With all of these in place, the process can be smooth, and you will be on your way to achieving your academic dreams in Canada.

FAQs on Canada Student Visa Process

What is the processing time for a Canada student visa?

The Canada student visa process takes about three months or less, depending on the applicant’s country. 

Can I work in Canada with a student visa?

Yes, as an international student in Canada, you can work up to 20 hours per week. However, you should not work for more than 20 hours a week. If you do, you will be violating the study permit terms and conditions and can lose your status as a student. 

Can I bring my spouse or dependent with me on a student visa?

Yes, you can bring your spouse or dependent with you on a student visa. But also submit their application online when applying for your study permit.

What happens if my visa application is rejected?

If your visa application is rejected, you can always apply again. But ensure to include any information you didn’t include on your first application.

Can I extend my stay in Canada with a student visa?

Yes, you can extend your stay in Canada with a Canada student visa. But make sure you apply for an extension of the permit at least 30 days before your current permit expires.


I share a passion for travel, education, and helping others achieve their dreams of studying and living abroad. However, after realizing the lack of information about the benefits of travel, how to study abroad, work abroad, immigration and scholarships. I decided to start to help others learn about these opportunities.

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