Best Place To Live and Work in Canada For Immigrants 

If you are an immigrant looking for where to live and work in Canada, then you’re reading the right article. That’s because you’re about to discover the best place to live and work in Canada for immigrants.

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As you may know, Canada is undoubtedly one of the world’s most beautiful countries. The commonwealth nation has a lot to offer, which is why thousands of immigrants move to Canada every year. The country has a stable economy and one of the world’s best healthcare and educational systems. Canada also has one of the strongest economies in North America and is the world’s second-largest country by total area. As of 2021, the Canadian population grew by 5.2%, totaling 36,991,981 people.  The country accepted a record number of 405,000 immigrants in 2021 due to its economic policies and immigration rates. 

Why Immigrate to Canada?

There are many reasons why immigrants move to Canada. The land of the maple leaf does tick all the boxes for most immigrants looking to travel. Let’s look at some reasons why you should relocate to Canada;

1. Canada is highly multicultural 

Canada is known for its mosaic culture. Every culture brought into the nation is respected and embraced. Immigrants from across the globe travel to Canada each year; they are happy to see parts of their culture coexisting with other cultures. This encourages living in peace and harmony with others.

2. Canada is one of the world’s safest countries

Canada is regarded as one of the safest countries on earth. Ranked as the world’s 8th in the 2016 Social Progress Index, the nation boasts one of the world’s lowest crime rates. 

Canada is a free and tolerant country. As such, peace is usually promoted by both immigrants and Canadians alike. Canadians are also regarded as really nice people. 

3. Canada has a strong economy 

The Canadian economy is known to be one of the most economically stable in the world. The nation surprisingly bounced back stronger after the pandemic. The nation’s economy during the fourth quarter of 2021 grew by 6.7%.

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4. Canada gives you access to quality education

As education in our day and age is highly sought after, Canada is known to be one of the best in education. The nation issues mandatory schooling for everyone to acquire basic education through its free public school system. Canada is also home to some of the world’s top elite universities, which receive a large number of international students yearly.

5. Canada offers loads of employment opportunities

Due to the damage caused by the pandemic and the increased number of retiring workers, Canada is looking to employ overseas workers to fill in these vacant labor gaps. The nation’s strong economy and low unemployment rate make it an ideal location for job seekers.  

How to Choose the Best Place in Canada to Live and Work

Choosing the best place in Canada to live and work for immigrants is a tough choice to make. Canada has ten provinces, three territories and over 7,986 cities and towns. This shows that you can’t just pick anywhere; it’s okay to be confused with that many options. 

When migrating to Canada, you should first consider why you want to leave your former country for Canada. Take time and research the best province for immigrants, cities and towns that are the best place in Canada to live and work for immigrants with the same reasons for migrating. 

After researching these provinces, towns and cities, screen out some of them and write down the cities and towns you are interested in. This will bring you closer to finding the best place in Canada to live and work for immigrants and the best place for you.

Best Place to Live and work in Canada for Immigrants

Ontario is the best place in Canada to live and work for immigrants. Toronto, which is Canada’s largest city, is Ontario’s most popular. The majority of immigrants prefer living in Toronto. The city is one of the world’s most multicultural and metropolitan cities. 

Ontario’s second most popular city is Ottawa, also Canada’s capital city. Ottawa is considered one of Canada’s safest cities as it offers a high quality of life and low living costs.

Ontario received about half of all the new Canadian permanent residents in 2021. The province can get relatively cold during winter, with some cities having temperatures below -40°c. However, the cities can get warm during summertime with temperatures of about 30°c.

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Ontario is also one of Canada’s richest provinces. The province generates revenue through a combination of resources, exports and manufacturing expertise. 

Ontario generates about 38.12% of Canada’s national GDP. Ontario is also home to about 50% of all high-tech, knowledge-intensive industries and other financial services employees.

Things to Consider Before Choosing Where to Live and Work in Canada

As an immigrant, there are several things you should put into consideration before choosing a city or town to live and work in. Here are some of the important things to consider when choosing the best place to live and work in Canada for immigrants;

1. Immigrant Population

Seeing as immigrants are in all parts of Canada, it’s important to check the immigrant population in a city before moving in to ascertain if your neighbors might be welcoming. Some people might not be too fond of strangers; hence, conduct your own research to find a city with a reasonable number of immigrants, as they might be more welcoming.

2. Diversity

Although Canada is highly multicultural and diverse, this doesn’t mean all Canadian cities are. Besides, being in a more diverse environment helps you bend right in and see the beauty in other cultures and beliefs. 

3. Commute

Your commute from your home to your place of work shouldn’t be too long. A long commute might lead to you waking up early to prepare for work, falling short once in a while, and being tardy. Ensure that your commute isn’t more than three hours as you might find it difficult to cope.

4. Rent

Rents for various apartment sizes vary in different cities. While looking for the best place to live and work in Canada, be sure that the city you want to live in fits your budget, i.e., rent-wise. To avoid the stress of moving to a city and relocating to a different one because of high rents. 

5. Cost of living

The average cost of living in Canada is CAD 1,832 for single individuals and CAD 4,256 for a family. To know which suits your lifestyle and budget, proceed to inquire about the cost of living in individual towns and cities. This is crucial in the search for the best place to live and work in Canada.

6. Rate of employment

As you intend to work when you migrate to Canada, check which city is in high demand for your skill or occupation, as this means that your chances of getting a job are high there. Make sure that the city’s employment rate is higher than its neighboring cities to boost your options further. 

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7. Chances of attaining permanent residency

Look for a city that gives you higher chances of getting Permanent residency. Suppose you fulfill all the requirements needed for applying for a permanent residency visa. In that case, chances are that immigrants that live in the more popular Canadian cities get issued more permanent residency visas than those who don’t.

8. Education standards 

Canada is one of the best countries in the world regarding education. Be sure to find a city that offers you a chance to get into an educational institution for you and your kids. When searching for a place to live and work in Canada always take into account the educational sector of the city. The city should ideally have good schools if you plan to raise a family in Canada.

9. Crime rate

Crime is a general epidemic everywhere in the world. In order to guarantee your safety, research the crime rates of various cities. Cities with lower crime rates are the better option as you are less likely to be a victim of criminal activity.

10. Weather conditions

Be sure that the city has favorable weather. Most parts of Canada usually have long freezing winters. If you are used to being in warmer environments, research cities that are warmer or cities with weather conditions that you are comfortable with.

Benefits of Living in Canada as an Immigrant?

Ontario offers several eye-catching benefits to immigrants, making it seem irresistible. Some of these benefits include the following;

1. Ontario has a high quality of life

Ontario offers its residents and immigrants alike a high quality of life. From breathtaking landscapes to beautiful cities, Ontario has it all. The cost of living is slightly higher than the Canadian average, and the province pays well compared to most others.

2. Low unemployment rates

Ontario offers various employment opportunities. These job opportunities hence reduce the rate of unemployment in the country. There are several full-time job vacancies all across the province. These jobs span across various fields, such as nurses, drivers, IT specialists, and truck drivers. However, most of these jobs may be either in high or low demand across each city in Ontario.

3. Standard healthcare

Ontario is well known for having state-of-the-art healthcare facilities. You could apply for health insurance if given a permanent Canadian residency. In a medical emergency, the insurance will cover all your medical expenses, no matter the city you reside in.


Canada is one of the world’s finest countries, as its sectors are all top-class. The nation’s economy is thriving, and immigrants would want to travel there for various working, investing and schooling purposes. Be that as it may, relocating to another country is never easy. 

However, while immigrating, it’s important to consider the best place to live and work in Canada for immigrants, as this would help you prepare further. The information provided in this article should help you learn a thing or two about the best place to live and work in Canada for immigrants.


I share a passion for travel, education, and helping others achieve their dreams of studying and living abroad. However, after realizing the lack of information about the benefits of travel, how to study abroad, work abroad, immigration and scholarships. I decided to start to help others learn about these opportunities.

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