How To Change Student Visa to Work Permit in Canada

Studying in Canada can be a great way to gain valuable work experience while obtaining a high-quality education. Canada is an attractive destination for international students who want to study and work in Canada. However, many international students are left wondering whether they can change their student visa to a work permit once they complete their studies.

If you want to change student visa to work permit in Canada, look no further. This article will discuss the requirements and steps to take when changing your student visa to a work permit in Canada.

Understanding the Canadian Immigration System

Before we dive into the details of changing your student visa to a work permit, it’s important to understand the Canadian immigration system. Canada has a point-based immigration system, meaning individuals are evaluated based on education, work experience, language proficiency, and age.

International students who have completed their studies in Canada may be eligible to apply for permanent residency through various immigration programs, such as the Canadian Experience Class, the Federal Skilled Worker Program, or the Provincial Nominee Program. However, it’s important to note that obtaining permanent residency can be a long and complex process.

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Types of Work Permits

There are two types of work permits that international students can apply for:

Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP)

The Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) allows international students who have graduated from a Canadian designated learning institution to gain valuable Canadian work experience. The PGWP is an open work permit, which means you can work for any employer in Canada, except for some specific jobs that are not available for foreign workers.

Employer-Specific Work Permit

An Employer-Specific Work Permit allows international students to work for a specific employer in Canada for a specific duration. The employer must have a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to hire a foreign worker.

Changing Student Visa to Work Permit in Canada Eligibility Requirements

For a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)

The Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) is a popular option for international students who want to continue working in Canada after graduation. To be eligible for a PGWP, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must have completed a full-time program at a designated learning institution (DLI) in Canada.
  • Your program must have been at least 8 months long.
  • You must have graduated from a public post-secondary institution, a private post-secondary institution, or a Canadian private institution authorized by provincial or territorial law to confer degrees.
  • You must apply for a work permit within 180 days of receiving written confirmation from your institution that you have met the requirements for completing your academic program.

Applying for a PGWP

To apply for a PGWP, you must submit an application to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The application must include the following documents:

  • A completed application form
  • Proof that you have completed a full-time program at a DLI in Canada
  • Proof that you meet the eligibility requirements for a PGWP
  • A valid passport or travel document
  • A copy of your study permit
  • A copy of your transcript or official letter from your school confirming that you have met the requirements for completing your academic program
  • A copy demonstrating your proficiency in English or French, Canada’s official language. This can be done by taking a language test or providing evidence of previous education in English or French.
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Processing Time for a PGWP

The processing time for a PGWP varies depending on the case and the volume of applications received by IRCC. Generally, it takes about 3 to 5 months to process a PGWP application. However, some applications may take longer, especially if additional information or documentation is required.

Working While Waiting for a Decision

If you have applied for permanent residency and are waiting for a decision, you may be eligible to work in Canada under certain circumstances. For example, if you have a valid study permit and have completed your studies, you may be eligible to work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year and full-time during scheduled breaks.

Advantages of a PGWP

Obtaining a PGWP has several advantages for international students who want to work in Canada. First, it allows you to gain valuable work experience in Canada, which can be beneficial when applying for permanent residency or other immigration programs. Second, it allows you to stay in Canada for an extended period, which can be beneficial for those who want to establish a life in Canada.

Disadvantages of a PGWP

There are also some disadvantages to obtaining a PGWP. One of the biggest disadvantages is that a PGWP is only valid for a limited period, usually up to 3 years. You may need to apply for a new work permit or find a job after your PGWP expires. Additionally, some employers may be hesitant to hire individuals on a temporary work permit, as they may prefer to hire individuals with permanent residency or citizenship.

Bridging Open Work Permit

If your study permit is about to expire and you have applied for permanent residency, you may be eligible for a Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP). This type of work permit allows you to continue working in Canada while you wait for a decision on your permanent residency application. To be eligible for a BOWP, you must have a valid study permit and have applied for permanent residency under certain programs, such as the Canadian Experience Class or the Federal Skilled Worker Program.

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Extending Your Work Permit

If you want to extend your work permit, you must submit an application to IRCC before your current work permit expires. To be eligible for an extension, you must still meet the eligibility requirements for the type of work permit you are applying for.

Permanent Residency Options

Obtaining permanent residency is a common goal for many international students who want to stay in Canada. There are several immigration programs available for individuals who have completed their studies in Canada, including the Canadian Experience Class, the Federal Skilled Worker Program, and the Provincial Nominee Program.

Alternatives to Changing Your Student Visa to a Work Permit

If you are not eligible for a PGWP or do not want to obtain a work permit, there are other options available for international students who want to stay in Canada. For example, you may be eligible to apply for permanent residency directly, or you may be eligible for a visitor visa or a study permit extension.

Final Thoughts on Student Visa to Work Permit in Canada

Changing your student visa to a work permit in Canada can be a great way to gain valuable work experience and establish a life in Canada. However, it’s important to understand the eligibility requirements and application process before making the transition. Following the steps outlined in this article can increase your chances of successfully changing your visa and continuing to work in Canada.


I share a passion for travel, education, and helping others achieve their dreams of studying and living abroad. However, after realizing the lack of information about the benefits of travel, how to study abroad, work abroad, immigration and scholarships. I decided to start to help others learn about these opportunities.

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