How to Maintain Permanent Residency in Canada

Getting a permanent residency in Canada is a challenging feat same as maintaining it. After you’ve become a permanent resident and received your PR card, there are certain obligations you have to meet to ensure that you maintain your permanent resident status. 

These obligations will go a long way in helping you understand how to maintain permanent residency in Canada.

In this guide, you will find everything you need to know about how to maintain permanent residency in Canada, including:

  • What happens when you don’t meet the requirements
  • How to accumulate residency days to maintain your permanent residency in Canada (for inside and outside Canada)
  • What a permanent resident can and cannot do and how to renew your Canadian permanent residency

Read on to learn more about maintaining your permanent residency in Canada.

Understanding the Permanent Resident Status

Before proceeding to learn how to maintain permanent residency in Canada, we should first look at who and what a permanent resident is.

As the term entails permanent residency deals with an immigrant applying to the Canadian government for a permanent resident visa. Being a Canadian permanent resident requires you to be granted a permanent residence permit or visa alongside a PR card. The permanent resident permit allows you to stay in Canada for an unlimited time.

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What Permanent Residents Can Do

As a Canadian permanent resident, you can:

  • Get nearly all social benefits that Canadian citizens receive, as well as health care coverage.
  • Live, study, and work anywhere in any Canadian city or province Canada. 
  • Apply for full Canadian citizenship  
  • Be protected under Canadian law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

What Permanent Residents Cannot Do

As a Canadian permanent resident, there are certain things you aren’t allowed to do. These things will help you further understand how to maintain permanent residency in Canada. They include:

  • You are not allowed to vote or run for public/political office. 
  • You are not allowed to hold jobs requiring a high-level security clearance. 
  • You are not allowed to remain in Canada if you are convicted of a serious criminal offense and have been ordered to leave the country. 

How to Maintain Permanent Residency in Canada: Requirements 

To maintain your permanent resident status, you must be physically present in Canada for 730 days (2 years) in the last five years. Other residency requirements will help you further understand how to maintain permanent residency in Canada.  

Residency Requirements

Let’s look at residency requirements that will enable you to maintain your permanent residency. 

Criminality Provisions

As a permanent resident who aspires to remain in Canada for a very long time until you apply for citizenship, you shouldn’t commit any criminal offense. Having a criminal record as a permanent resident in Canada will not only ruin your chances of getting full Canadian citizenship, but you may also risk getting stripped of your permanent resident status. Even worse, you could be deported out of Canada or thrown in jail. 

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Keep Up to Date with Taxation Regulations

As a permanent resident, you are obligated to pay your taxes. Tax payments from Canadian citizens and permanent residents help the government provide its people with healthcare and educational and other benefits. 

Renewing Permanent Resident Cards

When it comes to how to maintain permanent residency in Canada, having a PR card is an essential step. The PR card is a unique identification card given to Canadian permanent residents. The PR card lasts five years, after which it is to be renewed. However, you must meet the personal presence requirement to renew a PR card.

It is important to note that when your PR card expires, it doesn’t mean you are no longer a permanent resident. However, as it is your identity card as a Canadian permanent resident, it is in your best interest to renew it. 

4 Exceptions to the Residency Obligation 

There are residency obligations that can enable you to maintain your permanent residency besides being physically present for 730 days in Canada. If you do not meet the physical requirements, you should meet one of the following situations. 

1. Accompanying a Canadian Spouse/common-law Partner (or Parent) Overseas

You can be eligible to renew and maintain your permanent residency when you accompany your Canadian spouse or partner. The obligation also applies to accompanying your Canadian parent abroad.  

2. Accompanying a Canadian Permanent Resident Overseas

You can be eligible to renew and maintain your permanent residency when you accompany your Canadian permanent resident spouse or partner. The obligation also applies to accompanying your Canadian permanent resident parent abroad.  

3. Working for a Canadian Business or the Canadian Government Overseas

You can still be eligible to renew and maintain your permanent residency when you travel abroad to work for a Canadian business or the Canadian government. This shows that you still aided the nation and served them indirectly. This is also applicable when you accompany a Canadian permanent resident who works full-time for a Canadian enterprise. 

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4. Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds Exemptions to the Residency Obligation

You can still be eligible to renew and maintain your permanent residency based on Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds. To do this, you have to prove that your hardship is unusual, excessive or underserved, resulting from circumstances beyond your control. 

How to Accumulate Residency Days to Maintain Permanent Residency in Canada Inside Canada

The single and most efficient way to maintain permanent residency in Canada is by accumulating residency days through physical presence. Seeing as you are already in Canada, the time you have spent there adds up to the required number that makes you eligible to maintain your permanent residency. 

How to Accumulate Residency Days to Maintain Permanent Residency Outside Canada in the Following Ways

You can accumulate residency days outside Canada through the following:

  • Accompanying a spouse/common-law partner who is a citizen 
  • Accompanying your parent as a child 
  • Getting employment to work on a full-time basis for a Canadian enterprise outside Canada. 
  • Accompanying your spouse/common-law partner who works on a full-time basis for a Canadian enterprise outside Canada.

What Happens if I Don’t Meet the Requirements?

You must meet the permanent residency renewal requirements and the residency obligations to avoid losing your permanent resident status. If you do not meet the 730 days requirement, you can apply for a PR card or a PR Travel Document under specific scenarios in the residency obligation. If you intend to still apply for PR Card without meeting the residency requirements, you may experience issues or risk losing your permanent resident status. 

Final Thoughts on How to Maintain Permanent Residency in Canada

Maintaining your Canadian permanent residency status is a huge responsibility that you shouldn’t take lightly. Many permanent residents wish to retain their permanent residency status, which is why they look for various sources on how to maintain permanent residency in Canada. However, having gone through this guide, you should have found all you need to know about maintaining permanent residency in Canada. 

Frequently Asked Questions on Maintaining Permanent Residency in Canada

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I share a passion for travel, education, and helping others achieve their dreams of studying and living abroad. However, after realizing the lack of information about the benefits of travel, how to study abroad, work abroad, immigration and scholarships. I decided to start to help others learn about these opportunities.

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